Sunday, June 04, 2006

Batu Caves

North East of KL is Batu Caves. If you go, don't try and find it on a map, we had two, the ones from our trip to Desaru, both showed it in a different place, both the wrong place. In the end we asked some one who just said follow me.

The caves are in limestone cliffs, previously hidden from view within the jungle. In WWII they were a hideout for anti Japanese guerrillas but have now been transformed into a Hindu Temple. To reach the main caves you have to climb 272 steps. These steps are 'guarded' by a huge statue. Once at the top the view through one cave, up more stairs to the next are fantastic. All along the path leading through there are various shrines where there are always people praying.

One other thing there are plenty of is monkeys. They are quite bold when there is a banana at stake and fights breakout over the best looking ones.

........ and the view back to KL is not bad either.


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